Nov. 29, 2021

24. Mobile Development & Necessary Soft Skills with Tim Bornholdt

24. Mobile Development & Necessary Soft Skills with Tim Bornholdt

What are the unique challenges of building a mobile app? Which soft skills are essential for developers?

Learn from Tim Bornholdt, an entrepreneur, developer, and podcaster based out of Minneapolis. Tim is the co-founder and partner at The Jed Mahonis Group, a tech agency that builds custom iOS and Android software for businesses. His podcast, Constant Variables, is a show that explains app development without technical jargon.

In this episode, we talk about mobile development as well as soft skills as a developer. We start with Tim's journey from buying the first iPhone to learning mobile development and starting his company. We discuss how soft skills are often even more important than the tech skills as a developer and how this plays into who he hires.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Stanford Mobile Development Course:

Connect with Tim:

LinkedIn: /timbornholdt
Constant Variables Podcast:
Constant Variables Twitter: @cv_podcast

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Twitter: @marisahoenig
LinkedIn: /marisahoenig