Feb. 21, 2022

30. UX Design Parallels with Mesoamerican Culture with Itzy Ramirez

What are the parallels between UX design and Mesoamerican culture? What's it like to switch from graphic design to UX design?

Learn from Itzy Ramirez, a New York City-based user experience designer with more than 10 years of design experience. She's worked in content marketing and publishing and has seen how user experience principles can be applied to graphic design. Itzy is also deeply connected to the culture of her ancestors in Mesoamerica, which inspires much of the art she creates.

We discuss switching from graphic design to user experience design and how the two are different. Itzy talks about how her appreciation for Mesoamerican culture has made her a better designer and the parallels between her culture and design.

Mentioned in This Episode:

General Assembly UX Design Immersive: generalassemb.ly/education/user-experience-design-immersive
Antropologist Dr. Dori Tunstall, Twitter: @dori_danthro
Semillas Collective Instagram: @semillas_collective

Connect with Itzy:

Design Instagram: @itzy_designs
Personal Instagram: @itzyra
Shop: society6.com/itzybitsydesign

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