
Nov. 30, 2020

1. Mapping Your Skills Into Your Dream Job with Madeline Helmstadter

How do you map your skills and interests to a job you love? What careers exist with a computer science degree outside of software engineering? We tackle these questions and more in today’s interview with Madeline Helmstadter,...

Episode page
Nov. 30, 2020

0. Hello World: Introduction

Blossoming Technologist is a podcast for young professionals growing in the tech industry. How do you perfect your resume? What career paths exist in tech? How do you battle imposter syndrome? We'll answer these questions and...

Episode page
Nov. 21, 2020

Blossoming Technologist (Trailer)

Follow Along Instagram: @blossoming_tech Twitter: @blossoming_tech LinkedIn: /blossoming-technologist Inquiries/Suggestions: blossomingtechnologist@gmail.com Cover Art by Kendal Goodell, @goodelldesigns

Episode page